Setting up a development database

Create the database

Demo database:

Create Volume

docker volume create employee-case-study-db

Start container

docker run --name postgres-db -p 5432:5432 -v employee-case-study-db:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pwd12345. -d postgres

copy bakup file to container

docker cp {path_to_file}\demo-small-en-20170815.sql postgres-db:/home/

Get shell inside container

docker exec -it postgres-db sh

Restore db from .sql file this will create a demo db

psql -U postgres -f /home/demo-small-en-20170815.sql

connect to postgres db

psql -U postgres
// Connect to new db 
\c demo 
// List all tables

Scafold db from postgres db

First of all your C# project must have these two packages to be able to reverse enginer the database.

Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL

You also might need to install the dotnet-ef tools

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Then you run the following command to reverse enginer your db. When runnig the command it might fail from verious reasons. I've my self run into two problem. One problem might be that the connection string needs to be alter if you don't use WSL 2. The other problem might be that you do not have the latest version of dotnet sdk installed.

dotnet-ef dbcontext scaffold "User ID=postgres;Password=pwd12345.;Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=demo;" Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL --project .\DemystifyEF\DemystifyEF.csproj